Sunday, January 29, 2012


You know, I think God loves to breathe on us gently when we're down or struggling. I find it often oddly in these times that I can't see this gentle touch of His until after the fact. I've been desperate though, lately, in looking for Him. So maybe it wasn't really Him in some of these things, but I have to say that the encouragement that flooded on me in the last 24 hours has kept me from falling on my face.

I found encouragement hit me here....

- in the fun lunch-date/impromptu girl afternoon with my mom.
- in finding cheap copies of Star Wars to come home and watch with my family.
- in the thoughts of my best friend in WA and a barrage of texts with her.
- in those very texts, hearing my BFF tell me that she is trusting and believing for a BIG God movement in this trip to Nepal.
- in hearing from her later again in our old familiar silliness as we discuss baby names.
- in a few minutes with my dad where he served me by putting a new light in my room. His Daddy heart reminded me of God's care for me too.
- in old familiar movies that are beautiful redemption stories.
- in Psalms. And morning prayer.
- in unexpectedly being told how pretty I looked today on multiple occasions. Sometimes, this is helpful to a sore heart.
- in knowing I'm not alone in this place emotionally.
- in a kids' worship song...or four. Regardless, reminders where these simple lyrics can punch right through the cobwebs and breathe life. Literally. Your words are life to me....
- in mentally kicking Satan in the pants with two sisters because we recognize what's going on.
- in super cute puppeteering and watching kindergarteners sing of Amazing Love.
- in Peggy stopping me in the hallway to ask me when we're leaving so she can know the dates to pray over. I don't know about you, but knowing Peggy's praying for me is a bit inspiring. And she'd be mad that I just said that. HA!
- in the comfort of my brothers and sisters in serving.
- in one of those brothers being genuinely happy to see me, and encourage me that waiting on God isn't easy but worth the wait, and just sweet words in midst of a day.
- in lots of chest crushing hugs from the little girls who I love and get to serve!
- in being reminded that God is the "defender of the weak" - when you feel weak, this is a good word.
- in Unending Love.
- in praying for and letting my heart truly be with my sisters in Nicaragua and those going to love them this week.
- in being told how much I'm being prayed for by a sweet friend on the Worship Team, reminding me that this season before is a molding, a shaping and telling me that God is going to do BIG things, and that she's praying for me. I almost broke down right there.
- in meeting with my Nepal team and seeing that I'm only a mere $300 from being done with raising my money!
- in praying with the team, sharing our hearts, and seeing with open eyes the spiritual attack that all of this actually is, the crushing, the weight and all of that.
- in seeking God, my refuge, my faithful protector and the warrior who goes before me.
- in an evening resting with my family while I read my school books.
- in an unexpected dinner with two dear friends who I got to know better tonight...shared meal, shared laughter, and shared stories. Yay God!
- in the crescent moon and stars in the crystal clear winter sky on the way home.
- in a song about surviving and not giving up and fighting back on the radio.
- in a heart that can go to bed tonight at peace and ready to rest.

Good night.

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